Nagroda Responsive Design 2021
Prezentujemy kolejną odsłonę zwycięskich projektów w tegorocznej edycji konkursu Design Educates Awards organizowanego przez Laka Fundation. Poniżej przedstawiamy wyniki w kategorii responsive design.
Projekty w tej kategorii to prace, które są odpowiedzią na problemy współczesnego świata oraz nawiązują do idei zrównoważonego rozwoju. Złotą Nagrodę w kategorii Responsive design zdobył projekt "Villa Ypsilon" autorstwa Theo Sarantoglou Lalis. Więcej szczegółów poniżej.
Wyniki Design Educates Awards 2021
w kategorii responsive design

Golden Prize for the year 2021 in responsive design | Villa Ypsilon
Team Representative for submission: Theo Sarantoglou Lalis
Project name: Villa Ypsilon
Programme : Summer House
Total Area : 150 sqm
LASSA Website :
Design team : LASSA : Theo Sarantoglou Lalis (Principal) and Dora Sweijd (Principal) with Kasper Ax (Associate), Yousef Al Mehdari, Theo Grousopoulos, Thomas Jensen, Valeria Garcia, Nikolaos Klimentidis, Greg Spaw, Luke Tan,Yu Zheng
Local Architect (Permit) : V. Kosmopoulos
Structural Engineer : Metep, L. Babilis
Formwork Engineer : Nous, Manja van De Worp.
Formwork Construction: LASSA
General Contractor : Triedkat: V. Leriou
Photo credits: NAARO (

Silver Prize in responsive design | Constellations
Design & images credits: Nataly Gattegno
Location: University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, USA
Lead Designers: Jason Kelly Johnson & Nataly Gattegno, Futureforms
Client: Reubin O’ D. Askew Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies, University of West Florida
Date Completed: 2020

Bronze Prize in responsive design | The Apothecarts
Design team: Emilie Taylor Welty (professor), Nick Jenisch (project manager),Elizabeth Bateman, Jeremy Baudy, Anna Deeg, Claire Divito, Rebecca Dunn, Adrian Evans, Danelle Martin, Danielle Scheeringa, Bhumika Shirole, Zach Speroni, James Rennert, Dana Ridenour
Support: Johnson Controls, Inc., Tulane’s Community Engaged Learning and Teaching program, Skatelite
Collaborators: Solitary Gardens, The Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design at Tulane’s School of Architecture, Resurrection after Exoneration, Samara School of Community Herbalism

Honorable mention in responsive design | Coral Carbonate: Architecture Beyond the Built Environment
Design & photo credits: Alex Schofield
Company: Objects and Ideograms, a design worksho

Honorable mention in responsive design | renaturalisation of wetlands in the City of Stalowa Wola
Design: LAX laboratory for architectural experiments (arch. Anna Grajper, arch. Sebastian Dobiesz)
Visualisation credits: LAX laboratory for architectural experiments

Honorable mention in responsive design | Infinity 6 Pop-Up School by Crossboundaries
Team representative: Binke Lenhardt
Program: Pop-Up School
Location: Shenzhen, China
Building area: 200 sqm Site Area: 324sqm
Completion Date: Dec. 22, 2019
Partners in Charge: Binke Lenhardt, DONG Hao
Design Team: Marijana Simic, Cynthia Cui, HOU Jinghui, HAO Hongyi, GAO Yang
Photo credits: BAI Yu
Design Educates Awards 2021
Data publikacji: 25.05.2021
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