Ruszył nabór do European Architecture Program 2021!
fot. mat. prasowe
Ruszył Open Call do European Architecture Program 2021, którego jednym z organizatorów jest Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu. Tegoroczny temat wydarzenia to "Landscapes of Care" czyli krajobraz opieki. Szczegóły poniżej.
Wydarzenie otwarte jest dla architektów, urbanistów, projektantów, inżynierów, artystów, kuratorów i wszystkich innych osób zainteresowanych architekturą.
Program prowadzony jest w języku angielskim.
W projekcie można zgłaszać swoje prace stworzone w przeciągu ostatnich dwóch lat, które wcześniej nie były publikowane. Zgłoszenia mogą przesyłać osoby, które nie brały udziału we wcześniejszych zajęciach prowadzonych przez Future Architecture Platform. Uczestnicy mogą przesłać więcej niż jeden projekt indywidualnie lub zespołowo.
Opis oryginalny:
Future Architecture Call for Ideas is more than a competition; it’s a platform, providing practitioners and conceptual thinkers with the opportunity to express their ideas and to be both seen and heard. A successful application would mean the opportunity to begin exchanging your projects and proposals with peers from all over the world, as well as with high-profile institutions including museums, galleries, publishing houses, biennials and festivals, all to assist you with finding avenues toward international recognition. Apply, and let the Future Architecture platform support you in elevating and sharpening your practice. (...)
Contemporary societies face dynamically changing challenges. The extractive and consumptive logics of the system create globalised issues, impacting different regions in real time. Geopolitical boundaries protect economic returns above and beyond protecting social interests while the recent pandemic spreads, and new territories and ecologies are rearranged according to logics of migration which are inextricably connected to the flow of financial wealth. Confronting this scenario, new regional initiatives question political divisions and corporate interests. Fluid boundaries traced by local organisers and citizens emerge to fill the spaces as yet un-commodified by the free market; spaces of exception free from the control of policy. The flow of persons generates new modes of neighbourhood living and political commitments that demand care, empathy and awareness of the other. The recent health crisis has challenged entire societies, demonstrating how they can effectively, rapidly and mostly peacefully take action. Designers, architects and urbanists see themselves handling social and political issues, rather than simply the spatial and formal aspects of a project; facing up to the challenge of transforming decades of self-complacency into active practices dealing with the politics of relations, of local communities, of energy flows, and of ever-changing urban dynamics.
“Landscapes of Care”, the theme proposed by dpr-barcelona, chosen by the members of FA platform and further developed with CAFx, for the 2021 edition of Future Architecture Platform will explore the dynamics of solidarity and collective self-organisation, the networks of trust working at the neighbourhood scale, and transitional common spaces and activities. The edition aims to trigger dialogues around the challenges of a society facing up to the myths of endless growth, the glorification of borders and national identity, and the hardships labelled as austerity by capitalism.
- Przesyłanie zgłoszeń - do 6 stycznia 2021 roku.
- Wybór 25 projektów - 15 stycznia 2021 roku.
- Wymiana kreatywna - 17-19 lutego 2021 roku.
- European Architecture Program - od 1 marca do 31 października 2021 roku.
Więcej na stronie wydarzenia.
Data publikacji: 19.12.2020
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